
Kindergarten Handbook for a Workshop Way® Classroom and K Vocabulary Homework

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $79.00.

The Kindergarten Handbook for a Workshop Way® Classroom provides the basic philosophy and psychology of Workshop Way® with detailed descriptions of all the tasks and materials to create the Workshop Way Schedule of Tasks. Included are lesson plans for the first ten days of school for the creation of the Workshop Way Schedule of Tasks. It is highly recommended that Kindergarten THINKERS® are also purchased.  Included in the Handbook are the highly effective Six-Group prescriptions, detailed instructions for Workshop Way’s Vocabulary Homework and the Kindergarten Vocabulary Homework packet.

Reproduction of these materials for an entire school, or for a school system is strictly prohibited.  Contact for more information.


These products are downloaded after purchase in 3 files.

All products from Workshop Way are copyrighted and the purchaser is entitled to use the materials in their own classroom but is restricted from printing for multiple classrooms. Reproduction of these materials for an entire school, or for a school system is strictly prohibited.  Contact for more information.

The Kindergarten Handbook for a Workshop Way Classroom can be printed or read from the PDF file.

Printing requirements:

Cover: 2 sheets white card stock.  Print in color, single-sided

Book: print double-sided on copy paper.  It is recommended that the book be spiral bound or three-hole punched for a three-ring binder.

K Vocabulary Homework is to be printed on plain copy paper, enough sheets for every student to have one copy, with extra for lost papers.

It is highly recommended that Kindergarten THINKERS® be purchased because  they are used daily in the Kindergarten Workshop Schedule.