First Grade Handbook for a Workshop Way® Classroom Essential Bundle


This bundle contains 4 downloads – all for the cost of two:

  1. The First Grade Handbook for a WORKSHOP WAY® Classroom  
  2. Grade One Vocabulary Homework
  3. Grade One task signs for the WORKSHOP SCHEDULE
  4. Bonus: Assignment cards for First Grade Tasks including masters for the Chart task

All products from Workshop Way are copyrighted and the purchaser is entitled to use the materials in their own classroom. Reproduction of these materials for multiple classrooms, an entire school, or for a school system is strictly prohibited.  Contact for more information.


This bundle contains the 1. First Grade Handbook for a WORKSHOP WAY® Classroom; 2. the First Grade Vocabulary Homework; 3. the First Grade Task Signs and, 4. Chart Letters and Assignment cards for some of the tasks.  These 4 files are downloaded after purchase.  The purchaser may print out the book or read as a PDF file.  The file for Vocabulary Homework should be saved on a computer to print sets for the students. The task signs are to be printed on a pastel shade of card stock and cut apart. Assignment cards include a master for the Chart task and an appropriate number of copies should be make in card stock or construction paper.  The rest can be copied on regular copy paper.

The First Grade Handbook for a WORKSHOP WAY® Classroom describes in detail the first ten days of school to build a WORKSHOP WAY classroom. This includes how to build the Workshop Way Schedule of Tasks for first grade, detailed instructions for Workshop Way’s Vocabulary Homework, the highly effective Six-Group prescriptions for nourishing human growth and reteaching of content, and Workshop Way’s reading procedures for reading groups so that 100% of the students can learn how to read regardless of their different personality patterns.

Most of the materials described in this Handbook can be teacher made or they can purchased separately.

THINKERS are an essential element in all WORKSHOP WAY classrooms and are purchased by grade level.

All products from Workshop Way are copyrighted and the purchaser is entitled to use the materials in their own classroom. Reproduction of these materials for multiple classrooms, an entire school, or for a school system is strictly prohibited.  Contact for more information.