Grade 3 Science Schedule of Tasks for the Workshop Way® Classroom


A complete set of the tasks signs prescribed for Science that will give equal opportunities for students to live daily the skills that are needed to learn subject content and grow basic human skills such as initiative, courage, responsibility, self-confidence, independence in work habits.

This item is contained in Science 3 Kit.

All products from Workshop Way are copyrighted and the purchaser is entitled to use the materials in their own classroom. Reproduction of these materials for multiple classrooms, an entire school, or for a school system is strictly prohibited.

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A complete set of the tasks signs prescribed for Science that will give equal opportunities for students to live daily the skills that are needed to learn subject content and grow basic human skills such as initiative, courage, responsibility, self-confidence, independence in work habits.

This item is contained in Science 3 Kit.

All products from Workshop Way are copyrighted and the purchaser is entitled to use the materials in their own classroom. Reproduction of these materials for multiple classrooms, an entire school, or for a school system is strictly prohibited.  Contact for more information.